ntp1.leontp.com is located near Leeds, UK. Pool zones: World, Europe, UK.
ntp5.leontp.com is located in Milton Keynes, UK. Pool zones: World, Europe, Turkey, UK.
ntp6.leontp.com is located in Milton Keynes, UK. Pool zones: World, Europe, Italy, UK.
ntp7.leontp.com is located in Milton Keynes, UK. Pool zones: World, China, Europe, UK.
ntp8.leontp.com is located in Milton Keynes, UK. Pool zones: World, China, Europe, UK.
ntp9.leontp.com is located in Milton Keynes, UK. Pool zones: World, Europe, UK.
ntp.suws.org.uk is located near Farnham, UK. Pool zones: World, Europe, UK.
cubecentral.net is located in Colorado, USA. Pool zones: World, North America, US.
leontp.ccgs.wa.edu.au is located in Claremont, Western Australia. Pool zones: World, Australia, China, Oceania.
All servers are capable of supporting continuous 100Mbps traffic (110,000 requests per second) and serve tens of millions of client computers throughout the world.
Actual traffic is defined by the capacity of internet provider connections and density of ntp pool servers in local zones.
Total number of NTP requests served to date by these servers is 342.7 billion.
Total traffic is 30.84 TBytes in each direction.
1 year aggregated traffic:
20 minute traffic:
2 hour traffic:
12 hour traffic:
2 day traffic:
4 day traffic, 10 minute average:
7 day traffic, 30 minute average:
1 month traffic, 2 hour average:
1 year traffic, 1 day average:
7 day combined traffic across main servers, 10 minute average:
14 day combined traffic across main servers, 1 hour average:
28 day combined traffic across main servers, 12 hour average:
7 day combined traffic for Milton Keynes based servers, 15 minute average:
21 day combined traffic for Milton Keynes based servers, 1 hour average:
©2016-2017 Leo Bodnar