Fast pulse generator

Fast risetime pulse generator

Product Image Price Item Name
LBE-1320A Fast risetime pulse generator



LBE-1320A Fast risetime pulse generator

Fast 30ps rise time pulse generator  Datasheet This device generates pulses with extremely fast rise and fall times - 30±2 picoseconds. It is used for: testing lab instruments ...more >>>
LBE-1321 Fast Risetime Variable Frequency Pulser



LBE-1321 Fast Risetime Variable Frequency Pulser

Fast 30ps rise time pulse generator with variable frequency output This device generates pulses with extremely fast rise and fall times - 30±2 picoseconds. It is used for: testing ...more >>>
LBE-1322 Fast Risetime Variable Frequency Pulser



LBE-1322 Fast Risetime Variable Frequency Pulser

Fast 30ps rise time pulse generator with variable frequency output and external sync This device generates pulses with extremely fast rise and fall times - 30±2 picoseconds. It is ...more >>>