Company Address:
Leo Bodnar Electronics Ltd
Units 7-8 New Rookery Farm
Little London
Silverstone, Northamptonshire
NN12 8UP
United Kingdom
VAT: GB 973771380
Company registration number: 09287270
WEEE producer registration number: WEE/CX4118YD
E-mail: support@leobodnar.com
Phone: +44 (0)1327 850666
Leo Bodnar Electronics are designers and manufacturers of various electronic products ranging from versatile USB controllers to racing simulator force feedback steering systems. We supply useful accessories that include push buttons, rotary encoders and switches. Our custom built products include motor controllers for bicycles, high altitude balloons communication systems, video test equipment, RF signal generators, network time protocol servers. Many of our popular products have been born out of personal interests of our team members.
Based in Silverstone - the home of British Motorsport - we work closely with motorsport community in the area.
We give highest priority to quality, reliability, and customer support to make sure we continue delivering what you have come to expect from us.